
Castlepoint Station

Castlepoint Station is a coastal 2995 ha property located on the Wairarapa coast and owned by Anders and Emily Crofoot and managed by Tom Bush. The property has an annual rainfall of 970 mm and suffers from summer dry periods. The soils at the trial sites are a mixture of Taihape steepland and Atua silt loam on easier land. In autumn of 2013, a 10 ha paddock containing a wide range of aspects and slopes was summer fallowed and oversown with annual and perennial clovers (‘Arrotas’ arrowleaf clover, ‘Sensation’ red clover, ‘Bolta’ balansa clover, ‘Enrich’ Persian clover, ‘Nomad’ white clover plus ‘Tonic’ plantain. Seedling establishment was measured and plant production is being monitored. Further details are available in the Hub notes.